Year 9 Ancient Studies & Archaeology

LEVEL: Year 9

LENGTH: One Semester

Recommended background: Year 8 HASS


The Ancient Studies and Archaeology course offers students the opportunity to undertake archaeological explorations, including an excavation. This subject builds upon students’ interests in and ability to interpret and discuss sources of information. By engaging with professionals in the field, they will understand how technology and history inform modern archaeological practices.


  • One Source Analysis of pre-historic site of significance
  • One Investigation of ancient culture or event, through the exploration of discoveries and theories of a significant site (such as the eruption of Vesuvius and aspects of ancient Rome as found in Pompei and Herculaneum), or the linking of mythology with history through sites (such as the Royal Palace of Knosses, or a study of Troy/Hissarlik etc.)
  • One field trip to study and appreciate one site of significance to a local First Nations group.

Special Requirements: none

Leads to: Year 10 History, Stage 1 & 2 History, Society and Culture