Year 9 Law & Personal Finance

LEVEL: Year 9

LENGTH: One Semester

Recommended background: Satisfactory completion of Year 8 HASS


This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and skills to manage their personal finances and be informed and active citizens in their own communities. There are two units of study, Personal Finance and Civics and Citizenship.

In the Personal Finance unit, students may study:

  • Personal financial management, including: taxes and taxation, superannuation, budgeting and developing short, medium and long term financial goals.
  • The monetary system, earning an income and financial risks including scams and contracts.
  • Consumer rights and responsibilities with a focus on sustainable and ethical consumerism.

In the Civics and Citizenship unit, students may study:

  • Australia’s political system, including its history and development.
  • Citizen’s rights and responsibilities in their community and in an increasingly interconnected world.
  • Australia’s legal and justice systems with a focus on the criminal justice system and young people and the law.


Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Achievement Standards. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes. Students understanding and skills will be assessed in a variety of tasks that may include:

  • research tasks that explore taxation, consumer trends and responsibilities and/or buying online.
  • case studies examining current economic, political or legal issues.
  • practical tasks that explore budgeting and personal financial management.
  • collaborative presentations that explore citizen’s rights and responsibilities.
  • Investigations into South Australian and Australian legal and justice systems with a focus on young people and the law.

Leads to: Year 10 Globalisation, Law & Business