Year 10 Robotic & Electronic Systems

LEVEL: Year 10

LENGTH: One Semester


The course introduces students to the growing world of robotic and electronic systems. This will be achieved through the use of skills such as soldering and wiring circuits and also through the use of text-based coding languages such as Python and JavaScript. Students will be exposed to controllers such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino boards. They will develop problem solving skills through designing, implementing and evaluating a range of digital solutions. Students will work through a number of units potentially including creating a robotic vehicle, forming an automated circuit such as lights or watering systems using sensors and developing a basic alarm system. 

Students will have access to industry specific software and equipment such as CAD, Laser Cutters and 3D printing with a variety of materials to create physical products.

Projects may include:

  • Robotic vehicles
  • Automated light or watering systems
  • Basic alarm systems


Students’ performance will be determined according to the subject’s Achievement Standards as outlined in the framework of the Australian Curriculum. Grades A to E will be used for reporting purposes.

Practical: 70%
Written: 30%

Leads to: VET Pathways